How To Reset Lightning Staff Puzzle
Origins Lightning Staff Upgrade Steps - Zombies Chronicles (DLC 5)
Posted in black ops 3
The Lightning Staff is one of the underloved staffs in Origins, mainly because of it'southward time consuming part collection and upgrade process. In this guide I'll show you lot a faster style to get this done and also cover the consummate steps for upgrading the Electric Staff and enjoying what is an splendid antagonist. As usual, the guide contains a detailed walkthrough together with puzzle solutions and screenshots to assist you out.
All of the original staffs accept been preserved and remastered in the Zombies Chronicles (DLC 5) pack for Black Ops 3. Their attacks remain the same and their build and upgrade processes are also identical. Upgrading all of the base staffs to their Ultimate versions is likewise one of the steps for the chief Easter Egg.
Like the Wind Staff, the Lightning Staff bares a strong resemblance to an existing Wonder Weapon. The weapon in question is the DG-2, or Wunderwaffe as it's known, which dates back to the original World at War zombies serial via it'south introduction in Shi No Numa.
As y'all might expect the base Lightning Staff shoots electric bolts of lightning that electrocute zombies caught in it'south path. It's Ultimate super attack fires a larger ball of electricity that chains from zombie to zombie, killing many zombies in a close knit horde.
In improver to its electric attacks, the Ultimate Lightning Staff likewise has a loftier round 1 hit melee attack (up to circular sixteen) and also an alternate manner. Pressing the left directional pad causes the staff to flip around, allowing the histrion to instantly revive a teammate with a burst of energy.
How to Get The Lightning Staff
The Lightning Staff requires three Regal parts, i Royal coloured disc, 1 black disc and the gramophone. You must have all of these before you can build the base version of the staff.
Majestic Part Locations
The Regal parts are well hidden in the Origins map and are But attainable past riding the tank (from the church) and jumping off onto secret platforms. This volition cost you a few points and a fair amount of waiting equally the tank recharges to complete a full lap.
Whilst riding the tank the verbal three locations are:
Part i - after riding past Generator4 (Jug), look until halfway along the muddy path then leap to the Right side, onto the wooden platform.
Office ii - ride the tank from Generator ii (Tank Station), as you lot arroyo the excavation site look for the wooden platform on your LEFT. Jump across and walk above the excavation site to merits the function.
Office 3 - subsequently part ii location above, as you approach the church, jump to the Right side of the tank onto the snowy walkway with the broken argue. Work your way around the back of the church and claim the role.
Purple Disc Locations
The royal disc is always in i of 3 locations well-nigh to Generator 4 (Jug).
- On the wagon, nearly the archway of Generator four
- On a table well-nigh Wunderfizz machine
- Very bottom of the Wind tunnel
Black Disc
The Black Disc is used in combination with the Gramophone to open the lower level of the excavation site. It's always institute in i of three locations:
- On a box, bottom of the walkway leading up the excavation site (Generator ii side)
- On a box, contrary side of excavation site, near the entrance leading to church building
- Top of the excavation site, in a wheelbarrow abreast PaP
The Gramophone is ever within the fundamental earthworks site (dig site), one level downstairs on the floor.
Last step
Head to the tunnel by Generator 5 (Stamin-Upward) and become clandestine to the very finish of the tunnel. Place the gramophone down on the tabular array to build the purple portal that'll take you to the Crazy Place.
Venture through the portal to the Crazy Place and pick up the crystal from the purple pedestal. Then exit the crazy identify by rebuilding the royal portal once again.
Finally, go to the lower level of the earthworks site to build the Lightning Staff in front of the statues.
Upgrade Steps
The upgrade steps for the Lightning Staff were originally highly annoying but have since go a little easier. Follow the exact steps below and pay attention to the puzzle solutions to save some time.
1. Solve the Puzzle - Shoot the Purple Triangles
Go to the Crazy Place and take note of the sequence of royal triangles by the purple portal area (shown in the image above). These "notes" grade the first upgrade puzzle which thankfully is always the aforementioned every game.
To solve this puzzle, ignore the top row of notes and number the bottom row from 1 - 7.
Now use the Lightning Staff to shoot the notes in the exact club shown beneath: (ignoring the tiptop row entirely).
1, 3, 6
3, 5, 7
2, 4, six
If done correctly yous'll receive an sound quote from Samantha and the footing will shake.
two. Plow the Electric Console Dials
Before Treyarch patched this step, players had to repeatedly detect and check viii different panels looking for the next sparking dial. In SOLO this was an unbelievable pain and ending up beingness the main crusade for the unloved Lightning Staff.
Thankfully this step has been changed. Follow the verbal locations below, going from panel to console, turning the dial to the exact position mentioned. You lot can also turn the dials whenever y'all want in the game, saving time before you get to this step.
Cheat Sheet
Location | Dial Position |
Generator v opposite Stamin-Upward automobile | |
Church behind tank | |
Church upstairs by window | |
Generator 4 (Jug) right hand side of wind tunnel archway | |
Spawn room nigh stairs | |
Generator 2 (Tank Station building) at the back door | |
Behind excavation site near pathway to church | |
Notice how in that location are only vii mentioned above, this is because the eighth panel never sparks so I have ignored it.
If done correctly there will an sound quote from Samantha and a beam of light will shine upwardly from the excavation site and into the sky.
3. Line Up the Rings
At the bottom of the earthworks site there are four large rings with coloured gems on the side. Use the switches in this area to turn each of the dials until they are all purple. When set, shoot the imperial orb underneath the rings (using the Lightning Staff) to shoot it upwards.
4. Charge the Staff (Collect the Souls)
The final upgrade stride requires yous to get dorsum to the Crazy Place for one last challenge. Identify the Lightning Staff in the purple pedestal and kill 20-thirty zombies in the Crazy Place (anywhere you similar). I strongly propose having an upgraded weapon for this and preferably some kind of protection such as Jug, the shield or a reliable teammate.
Once consummate, pick up the staff from the pedestal and the Ultimate Lightning Staff Is your to enjoy! Well washed, your hard work has been worth the try!
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